
myTectra corporate training services

myTectra offers corporate training services in Bangalore for range of courses on various domain including Information Technology, Digital Marketing and Business courses like Financial Accounting, Human Resource Management, Health and Safety, Soft Skill Development, Quality & Auditing, Food Safety & Hygiene. myTectra is one of the leading corporate training companies in bangalore offers training on more than 500+ courses <a href=""> corporate training in bangalore </a> <a href=""> top 10 corporate training companies in india </a> <a href=""> corporate training </a> <a href=""> corporate training companies </a>

JSP Interview Questions

1.What is JSP? Java Server Pages technology (JSP) is used to create dynamic web page. It is an extension to the servlet technology. A JSP page is internally converted into servlet. 2.Explain JSP and tell its uses. JSP stands for Java Server Pages. It is a presentation layer technology independent of platform. It comes with SUN’s J2EE platforms. They are like HTML pages but with Java code pieces embedded in them. They are saved with a .jsp extension. They are compiled using JSP compiler in the background and generate a Servlet from the page. 3.What is difference between hide comment and output comment? The jsp comment is called hide comment whereas html comment is called output comment. If user views the source of the page, the jsp comment will not be shown whereas html comment will be shown. 4.What is the requirement of a tag library? A collection of custom tags is called a Tag Library. Recurring tasks are handled more easily and reused across multiple applications to i...
WHAT ARE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES FOR MAKING HASH FUNCTION? Techniques for making hash function. •  Truncation Method This is the simplest method for computing address from a key.In this method we take only a part of the key as address. •  Midsquare Method In this method the key is squared and some digits from the middle of this square are taken as address. •  Folding Method In this technique, the key is divided into different part where the length of each part is same as that of the required address, except possibly the last part. •  Division Method (Modulo-Division) In Modulo-Division method the key is divided by the table size and the remainder is taken as the address of the hash table. –>Let the table size is n then H (k) =k mod n Master C and Data Structure, in  this C and Data Structure  certification training. WHAT ARE THE ISSUES THAT HAMPER THE EFFICIENCY IN SORTING A FILE? The issues are: Length of time required by the programmer i...

Salesforce Interview Questions

EXPLAIN WHAT IS SALES FORCE? Salesforce is a CRM delivered as a software-as-a-service (SaaS). WHAT ARE CUSTOM OBJECTS IN SALESFORCE? Simply put custom objects are the database tables in Salesforce. All the data related to the enterprise can be stored in These custom objects have to be defined first and then the following steps need to be taken: Join records with custom objects. The custom object data are displayed in custom lists. Create a custom tab for custom object. Building page layouts. Creating dashboard & report for analyzing custom object. The custom tab, app and object can be shared MENTION CHANGING WHAT MAY CAUSE DATA LOSS? Data loss may cause due to following reasons Changing data and date-time Altering to percent,number and currency from other data types Changing from multi-select picklist, checkbox, auto number to other types Altering to multi-select picklist from any type except picklist Changing to auto-number excep...